About the Conference Call for Papers Conference Program Registration

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General Chair
Lothar Pauly
Siemens Communications, Germany
Executive Chair
Werner Mohr
Siemens Communications, Germany
TPC Chair
K.C. Chua
National Univ. of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
TPC Vice-Chair (Phy/MAC)
Sumit Roy
Univ. of Washington, USA
TPC Vice-Chair (Networks)
Victor Leung
Univ. of British Columbia, Canada
TPC Vice-Chair (Services & Applications)
Abbas Jamalipour
Univ. of Sydney, Australia
TPC Vice-Chair (Tutorials)
T.J. Lim
Univ. of Toronto, Canada
TPC Vice-Chair (Technology / Business Applications Panels)
Vijay Varma
Telcordia Technologies, USA
Publications Chair
Charles Knutson
Brigham Young Univ., USA
Associate TPC Vice Chair (Phy/MAC)
Uday Desai
IIT - Bombay, India
Project Manager
Debora Kingston
IEEE Communications Society, USA
Bruce Worthman
IEEE Communications Society, USA
WCNC Steering Committee Chair
J. Roberto B. de Marca
PUC/Rio, Brazil

About the Conference
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) is one of the world's foremost international technical conferences for engineers and researchers at the forefront of development and deployment of wireless technologies.

Co-located with CTIA WIRELESS, WCNC, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, offers the best tutorial, research, and industry-oriented technical content on terrestrial wireless communication in all its forms; featuring technical paper presentations, business application/panel sessions and tutorials.

This yearís theme Broadband Wireless for the Masses: Ready for Take Off, speaks to the readiness of broadband wireless technologies for mass-market deployment. The 2005 the technical program covers the entire spectrum of technologies from Physical layer issues to Networking issues and Services and Applications. The weeklong event comprises research presentation sessions, tutorials and technology / business application panels.

Who should attend:
  • Chief Engineering Manager
  • Chief Scientific Manager
  • Vice President ñ Research & Development
  • Director ñResearch & Development
  • Manager ñ Research & Development
  • Engineer - Research & Development
  • Member of Tech Staff (MTS)
  • Vice President ñ Design Engineering
  • Director ñ Design/Development Engineering
  • Manager - Design/Development Engineering
  • Engineer - Design/Development
  • Hardware Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Computer Scientist/Engineer
  • Vice President/Director Marketing, Sales & Purchasing
  • Independent/Corporate Consultants
  • Service Providers
  • Academics
WCNC is the annual wireless event for wireless communications industry professional, interested in the latest reach and design.